Saundra (Soni) Regan, PhD University of Cincinnati Soni Regan is the Site Primary Investigator (PI) for the Heart Healthy Ohio Initiative (HHOI) at the University of Cincinnati and the Co-Lead of the HHOI Data and Evaluation Team. Dr. Regan is an Assistant Professor and Director of Research in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. Her methodological expertise is in qualitative research and program evaluation. She is a member of the Community Engagement Committee of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training and the Research Director for the Cincinnati Area Research Group (CARInG Network), a primary care Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN). Dr. Regan’s current projects include a Medicaid Technical Assistance and Policy Program (MEDTAPP) funded project evaluating the development and implementation of two virtual reality simulations educating about the social determinants of health. She is a co-investigator and evaluator on two additional MEDTAPP projects educating providers about cardiovascular and diabetes best practices including the statewide cardiovascular health collaborative (Cardi-OH). She is also a co-investigator and evaluator on three Health Services Research Administration (HRSA) funded grants, one on developing and evaluating a new curriculum to teach family medicine residents about working with Patient and Family Advisory Committees, quality improvement and social determinants of health and a second HRSA grant to establish a fellowship creating providers who are leaders in the community and a third evaluating a fellowship training mental health professionals in counseling, nursing and social work. She is also a co-investigator on a National Institute on Drug Abuse funded project looking at on online program for patients with chronic pain taking opiates. |